Do you find yourself spending a lot of money on items for their convenience. There are lots of items that are cheaper to make at home but some items are just might not be worth the time it takes to make them yourself. There are…
Read More...Small Business Sunday With…… Wood and Stencil Co.
With the holiday season upon us and being in the midst of our second wave of COVID19, featuring our local small business community is a priority – now more than ever. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and we need to support them…
Read More...DIY Mugs for Valentine’s Day
My daughter and I love to add to our holiday décor, so we decided to try to make these DIY mugs with Sharpie for Valentine’s Day. Makes for a perfect homemade gift for someone special or a quick family craft. Works for any season! MATERIALS Light Coloured Mugs…
Read More...Father’s Day Gift Ideas From the Kids
(Photo Credit) Father’s Day is this Sunday, June 21st. A day to celebrate dad and all that he does for your family. For some, this is probably the very first Father’s Day celebration- congrats! It can be hard to pick the perfect gift for dad,…
Read More...Display Your Child’s Artwork in 3 Minutes for $3
At Christmas my son received an art table. It’s a round plastic table that is now his favourite place to colour, paint and organize his crayons. This was all great until the stacks of beautiful art work started piling up. I’m not sure about your…
Read More...October Fun: Boo! Your Neighbours
By: Leanne Janzen In my house Halloween is a holiday! October 1st is when I start pulling out our fun fall and Halloween decorations, start “booing” the neighbours and of course, get my kids doing some fun crafts with me! What is “Booing” your neighbours? Well…
Read More...October Fun: Boo! Your Neighbours
By: Leanne Janzen In my house Halloween is a holiday! October 1st is when I start pulling out our fun fall and Halloween decorations, start “booing” the neighbours and of course, get my kids doing some fun crafts with me! What is “Booing” your neighbours? Well…
Read More...October Fun: Boo! Your Neighbours
By: Leanne Janzen In my house Halloween is a holiday! October 1st is when I start pulling out our fun fall and Halloween decorations, start “booing” the neighbours and of course, get my kids doing some fun crafts with me! What is “Booing” your neighbours? Well…
Read More...October Fun: Boo! Your Neighbours
By: Leanne Janzen In my house Halloween is a holiday! October 1st is when I start pulling out our fun fall and Halloween decorations, start “booing” the neighbours and of course, get my kids doing some fun crafts with me! What is “Booing” your neighbours? Well…
Read More...October Fun: Boo! Your Neighbours
By: Leanne Janzen In my house Halloween is a holiday! October 1st is when I start pulling out our fun fall and Halloween decorations, start “booing” the neighbours and of course, get my kids doing some fun crafts with me! What is “Booing” your neighbours? Well…