easy halloween party foods

12 Easy Halloween Party Foods Your Guests Will Die For

Halloween is coming faster than you think! I’m getting a bit too old to hit up the bars but I do love a good Halloween party. We all know what makes a good party a great one and that is food! So, here are my…

How to save money on groceries

5 Ways to Save Money On Groceries

Updated: March 2022 In 2021 consumers saw increases of 3-5% in food prices. For 2022 they are projecting another 5-7% increase. But as many of us have already seen, the prices already for 2022 are very high. The items with the highest increases are staples…

Blueberry Pancake Day

Blueberry Pancake Day

January 28th is Blueberry Pancake Day! Although this year’s Blueberry Pancake Day looks a little different, one thing hasn’t changed: the delicious BC Blueberries that turn regular pancakes into dishes fit for National Blueberry Pancake Day.   Make National Blueberry Pancake Day Special   To…

dog food

5 Canadian Dog Food Companies You Need To Know About

Finding the right dog food for your pet can be a huge challenge. With so many brands out there it’s hard to know which ones have the best ingredients that will suit you and your pet. So, we have shared our top 5 Canadian dog…


HelloFresh Canada Review

Why HelloFresh? As a culinary arts trained chef, and a self-proclaimed “foodie” I was thrilled to find out HelloFresh was now in Alberta, Canada! HelloFresh is a meal delivery program that has fresh healthy meals delivered right to your door, ready for you to prepare. Now…