2021 Holiday Giveaways

2021 Holiday Giveaways: #Operationcheer2021

Here we go again! Its December and that means here comes the giveaways! For this years giveaways I decided to focus on experiences. Experiences are a great way to spend time together as a family.  COVID has made getting out and enjoying experiences difficult if…


Luminaria at the U of A Botanical Gardens Giveaway

This weekend, my family and I ventured out in to the winter wonderland of Luminaria. It was like a dream. Lights and snow as far as the eye could see. The lights danced on the building in the Aga Khan Garden as music played. “Princesses”…

Modern Mama Holiday Gift Guide- Experiences

2021 Holiday Gift Guide – Experiences

Every year I hear more and more parents saying ” My kids have too much stuff” , “They don’t need anything” ,”I have no idea what to get my kids for Christmas”.    As a result I have seen parents turning to alternatives to “things”…


Magic of Lights at Castrol Raceway Giveaway 2021/22

Christmas lights still make me feel like a little girl. Nothing gets me more excited for the holiday season. I was fortunate enough to be invited to the media preview of the lights last night and it did not disappoint. There are lights as far…

Greater Vancouver Holiday Experiences

2021 Festive Experiences in Greater Vancouver

Are you excited for this holiday season?  This season looks so much better than the last.  So many more things are open and operating this year. Businesses were able to plan for this season, unlike last when many had to switch gears or shut down…

Remembrance Day

Explaining Remembrance Day To Children

With another Remembrance Day coming up, I have been trying to figure out how to explain it to my children, aged 2 and 4. They are at a very inquisitive age, so I got in touch with the No Stone Left Alone Memorial Foundation. Here…

holiday cards

Simplify Your Holiday Cards With Basic Invite

The holidays are quickly approaching ( this year has flown by!) and that means it’s time to get your holiday cards made. I personally have never put out a holiday card for my friends and family but we love receiving them from our loved ones….