How Does She Do It?… with Stacey Donovan

Twice a month we interview moms in our “How Does She Do It?’ feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram. We are excited to introduce you to Stacey Donovan:    Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you…

Dad and daughter on bench

How Does He Do It?…with Donnie Brown

Twice a month we interview dads in our “How Does He Do It?” feature. If you want to participate please reach out on Facebook or Instagram. We are excited to introduce you to Donnie Brown. He is the dad behind theDadfluence. He is a husband…


How Does She Do It?… with Meghan Rossi

Twice a month we interview moms in our “How Does She Do It?” series. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram. We are excited to introduce you to Meghan Rossi. This entrepreneur is the Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Moral…


How Does He Do It?… with Matt from Dashing Dads YYC

Twice a month we interview dads in our “How Does He Do It?” feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram. We are excited to introduce you to Matt from Dashing Dad YYC. He is married and a proud Stay-At-Home-Dad to…

Mom and daughter posing beside balloons

How Does She Do It?…with Kim Harvey

Twice a month we interview Moms in our “How Does She Do It?” series. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram. We are excited to introduce you to Kim Harvey. She is a former contestant on American Idol and current correspondent…


5 Romantic Movies To Watch in 2020

Need a break from cartoon movies? I highly suggest planning a date night or a moms night out and heading to the theatre. My favourite are the VIP options where you can get dinner and a drink served to you before watching. Whether you are…

Chastin and her daughter

How Does She Do It?… with Chastin Bodnar

Twice a month we interview a mom in our “How Does She Do It?” series. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram. We are very excited to introduce you to Chastin Bodnar. She is a married mama to 3 children. Once…

Taylor McKinney and his wife

How Does He Do It?…with Taylor McKinney

Twice a month we interview Dads in our “How Does He Do It?’ feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram. We are excited to introduce you to Taylor McKinney. He is a husband and father, raising three children in Chattanooga,…

Valentine's Day

5 Romantic Valentine’s Day Recipes

Valentine’s Day is typically a big production for a lot of couples; however, as parents, we all know how difficult it can be to spend time as a couple. We all have busy lives, we are busy with work, we are busy taking care of…

8 movie posters

Ten Must-See Horror Movies of 2020

We are big horror movie fans and are looking forward to having so many great must-see options this year. The year is filled with original horror stories, returns to classic talks and sequels. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner a few of these would…